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Travail D 'Anglais

30 octobre 2014

Comment se présenter? What's your name? My name

                                                                          Comment se présenter?                                                            

What's your name?    My name is Théo

How old are you?       I'm 10 your old

What do you live?      I live in Lyon

How are you?            I'm fine,I'm sow-sow or I'm bad

Have you got a pet?   Yes I have 2 dogs

                                   No I havn't

                                          Comment se caractériser?

Pour se caractérisé,on parle de ce qu'on est ou de ce qu'on est pas.

pour ce caractérisé on utilise le vocabulaire suivant:




A bit/Alittle

Not very hall


Théo,how romantic are you?

I'm Quite romantic.

Hugo,how courageous are you?

I'm Extremly courageous.

Lilian,how talkative are you?

I'm Not very talkative.

William,how clever are you?

I'm Very clever.

Lucas,how funny are you?

I'm a little or a bit funny.

Zak,how brave are you?

I'm Not brave at hall.

                                              Comment se comparer a une personne?

Pour commencer,il y a le comparatif de superiorité.


Si l'adjectif est court (1 syllabe),il finira par -er.

Si l'adjecif est long (+1 syllabe),on mettra -more devant le verbe et lui ne change pas.

Si l'adjectif est court et il finit par -y,alors le -y se transformera en -i


Me is meaner than Hugo.

Hugo is more talkative than Me.

Me is messier than Hugo.


Aprés il y a le comparatif d'infériorité.


Playing base-ball is less easy than Playing football.

Reding a book is less good than Comics


Enfin il y a le comparatif d'égalité.


Hugo is as talkative as me!

Pasta is as good as Spinach.


                                           Comment parler de ses gouts?

Pour parler de ses gouts, on utilise le vocabulaire suivant:

I love                         

I crazy about

I like...very much

I enjoy

I don't mind

I late

I don't really like

I don't hall

I can't stand


I love playing football but I late fish.

I crazy about meat but I don't really like playing base-ball.

I like very much can of soda but I don't like running at hall.

I enjoy swimming but I can't stand vegetables.










Travail D 'Anglais